City of Melbourne, FL
Home Menu6.10 Civil Leave
Employees attending court as a witness on behalf of a public jurisdiction including the City of Melbourne, or for jury duty during their normal working hours, shall receive full pay equal to their normal work schedule for the hours they attend court. Employees are responsible to provide their supervisor with three (3) working days advance notice of civil leave. When an employee is involved in litigation in which the City is not a party, he may use accrued vacation leave for that absence or the absence will be without pay. If an employee attends court on his day off, he does not receive an additional day off. An employee who works other than the standard working day, and who is requested to appear in court, may receive time off from his shift equal to the period of time served in court at the recommendation of the Department Director.
Employees who attend court for only a portion of the regularly scheduled workday are expected to report to their supervisor when excused or released by the court. In the event a holiday shall occur during the period of employee’s jury duty, he shall receive pay for such holiday.