City of Melbourne, FL
Home Menu6.12 Leave Donations
Employees may donate their accrued vacation leave time to other employees who have exhausted their applicable leave balances (sick, vacation and/or compensatory time).
In order to receive donations of vacation time from other employees, an employee must meet all of the following criteria:
- The employee’s applicable leave balances must have been reduced to 40 hours or less based on the most recent payroll report before a Department Director may initiate a request for donations of leave time.
- The employee must have used all of his applicable leave time before donations will be credited to the employee.
- The employee must be out of work due to:
- a reason that is supported by medical justification submitted and validated by Human Resources, or
- a catastrophic event known to Management and determined by the City Manager to qualify for this benefit.
- The employee must not be currently on notice by his Department Director to provide a doctor’s leave slip for every illness due to recent excessive unplanned sick leave usage. Current notice is defined as any notice that is within one year of the date for which leave time donations are needed.
- The duration of the employee’s absence is expected to extend at least one week beyond the depletion of all of his/her applicable leave balances as confirmed by the medical justification submitted to Human Resources or by Management’s knowledge of the circumstances inciting this extended leave.
Donations of vacation leave are not intended to lengthen employment prior to retirement.
Leave donations will be processed within the following parameters:
- An employee may receive up to 320 hours (8 weeks) within any twelve-month span beginning the first day of the donation period. Any donation slips received in Human Resources after the donation threshold has been reached will be returned to the donor.
- A donor may contribute up to 40 hours (1 week) per recipient, per twelve-month period.
- Leave donations must be contributed in one-hour increments and are credited to the employee receiving leave donations on an hour-for-hour basis.
- Use of donated leave will run concurrently with FMLA if applicable.
Exceptions to this policy may be authorized by the City Manager in extreme circumstances when in the best interest of the employee and there is no detrimental impact on the Department.