City of Melbourne, FL
Home Menu7.4 Social Media
In the rapidly expanding world of electronic communication, social media has become widely used in society. The City endorses the secure use of social media to enhance communication, collaboration, and information exchange; streamline processes; and foster productivity. This policy is intended to guide social media use in furtherance of City business, as well as to educate employees on how social media may impact their employment with the City. This policy is not meant to address one particular form of social media, but rather social media in general, as advances in technology will continue to occur with time.
A. Departmental Use
1. The City’s social media accounts will permit authorized administrators to, among other things, provide the public with information concerning the City’s programs, activities, events, news stories, photographs, and videos and to disseminate other information and material intended to increase public awareness.
2. Site Administration
a. The City’s social media accounts are purposefully controlled online sites, established for limited functions and are not designed as a public forum for policy discussion or debate, etc.
b. All accounts shall be approved by the Public Information Officer, or designee, and shall be maintained by designated social media administrators in coordination with the Public Information Officer.
c. All comments submitted or posted to the City’s social media accounts are actively monitored and reviewed by the social media administrators.
d. The City reserves the right to restrict, remove, or delete any posting or comment from a City social media account that violate the terms and conditions, violate the law, or are inconsistent with the purposes of these accounts.
e. The City does not allow the posting of photographs, videos, audio recordings (and/or similar media), or links to other pages or websites without the review and approval of a social media administrator.
f. Should a city-employee want to have a post placed on a city-site, he/she should contact a social media administrator.
g. Where possible, the City’s social media accounts shall clearly indicate that it is maintained by the City and shall have its contact information prominently displayed.
B. Personal Use Guidelines
The City recognizes the role that social media platforms can have in the personal lives of City employees. The City respects the right of employees to use social media as a medium of self-expression. However, City employees should bear in mind that, similar to other avenues and means of communication, personal use of social media platforms may impact City employees in their professional capacity, and that posting information that violates relevant provisions of City workplace policies, creates workplace disruptions, or has a harmful effect on the City’s missions and objectives may subject an employee to disciplinary action. Additional information on employee communications that may create disciplinary issues can be found in Human Resources Policy on Performance & Disciplinary Action.
City employees should exercise good judgment, discretion, and common sense, and be truthful and respectful in social media activity to help prevent compromising professional, legal, or ethical standards. The following guidelines provide prohibitions and precautions regarding the use of social media platforms by City employees:
1. Personal social media accounts should remain for personal use, and not be used for City business. This is not intended to prohibit employees from sharing or re-posting information from the City’s social media accounts.
2. Employees may not use their City email address to register on social media platforms for personal use.
3. Employees should not engage in personal social media activity during work.
4. Employees should be aware that personal social media activity that violates any of the City’s conduct policies, including those relevant provisions of conduct policies applicable to conduct outside the workplace, may result in disciplinary action. Such City policies include, but are not limited to, relevant provisions of the Prohibition of Unlawful Harassment, Prohibition of Sexual Harassment, Performance & Disciplinary Action, and the City Ethics Policy.
5. Pursuant to Administrative Policy 803 (Public Records Requests), employees may not publish, post, or otherwise release information obtained by virtue of employment with the City that is considered confidential or exempt from disclosure. If there are questions about what information is considered confidential or exempt, employees should check with their supervisor or the City Clerk’s Office.
6. An employee who references the City in personal social media activity should take steps to ensure that the views expressed are those of the employee and not of the City. Employees who are approached by the press or media through social media platforms requesting City comment on a matter should refer the inquiry to the City’s Public Information Officer.
7. Employees should be aware that privacy settings on social media platforms are constantly in flux, and should never assume that personal information posted on such sites is protected.
8. Employees should be aware that any information created, transmitted, or exchanged in a public social media platform may be accessed by the City without prior notice. There is no expectation of privacy in such communication. The City does not actively monitor off-duty use of social media platforms, but reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate lawful action if it comes to the City’s attention that such use may have violated City policies.
The City prohibits retaliation against any employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation. Any employee who retaliates against another employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment. Any action of retaliation should be reported to Human Resources immediately.